Monday, April 19, 2010

Class Tee Design. ;)

Class Tee Design 1.
Class Tee Design 2.
okay peoples , i know its not well drawn, but just bear with the light in between,
cos I on the flash on my camera when taking it. Ah, frigg it. :@

1st one : Class Tee Design 1's Front View.
2nd one : Class Tee Design 2's Front View.

1st one : Class Tee Design 1 Back view.
2nd one : Class Tee Design 2 Back view.
If your not satisfied with it, we'll go along with Zhiyin's design .
k? ;) Its badly drawn for this two . JUST BEAR WITH IT.
k. Oh, don't forget to strive hard for SA1 k. Bye. ;)
Raquel. ;)

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