Thursday, March 11, 2010


Hello people!
Huiling here!
Paiseh whor , only can post afew pivs as i lazy to post more .
Anws, today de english sunshine is damn fun de can?!
Teacher allow us listen to music , eat sweet and talktalktalk ,
laughlaughlaugh and jokejokejoke!
I think?
Hahas! Ohyeah , today , my fone kena confiscated by teacher as i was sms-ing infront
of her =D
I tot can sms , then i sms lor, but can't whor .
Then i ps leh .
Kena confiscated .
Luckily not only me . XD
Paiseh , fots not in order,
Took some fotos . Hahas! Took this secretly de . XDHey ! Check out what's PeiYong doing?
I have no idea .
He was talking to Raquel then the teacher call him ,
then he turn . XD
Ass man board . hahas , saw this in the class . Then snap a foto of it. Cute eh? Ofcourse . =D She damn cute!:)
I meant by Raquel damn cute!:)

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